Sunday, August 24, 2008


We had a very fun weekend as a family. Friday night our church had a date night for all the married couples and provided free child care. They showed the movie "Fireproof" which is actually coming out to theaters on September 26. It was amazing! It's about a marriage thats struggling and it has the Gospel right in there all about Jesus! It was very captivating the entire movie and I definitely recommend it!! You have to see it the weekend it comes out for the movie to stay in theaters though so go see it!! (it's from the same people who made "Facing the Giants"). Here s link to watch the trailer:
It was a great night we enjoyed with friends from our small group class.

Saturday we played at the park and enjoyed a relaxing day together as a family. Sunday was filled with church, lunch, a trip to Walmart, and lots of playing with Hannah bear. Here are some recent pictures:

She wants to hold the camera, but she was showing me her new boots she tried on. Aren't they cute!?

Today she climbed into the dryer for the first time.. naked. It was right after bath time and Daddy was about to put the clothes in from the washer, she scurried in there so excited. It was as if she does this all the time.

This is her new spot in the kitchen while I cook or pack lunches. She says "Haaannnaaahh" to get me to say "Where's Hannah?" and look around everywhere for her. Then she pops her head out all excited.

Here's us at the Varsity for the first time. The food's not very good, but we had fun taking our friend Nathan there.

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